A clamor for the resignation of Rubiales: four out of five were waiting for his goodbye, with Vox and Sumar at the ends

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stupefied spainbecause overwhelming was the majority that expected a resignation of Luis Rubiales. For him 71,1% Of those surveyed, even before his delirious speech on Friday, the president of the Football Federation had no other option than to leave office, according to the Sigma Dos poll for EL MUNDO. Before the Extraordinary Assembly, he still had 19.4% support, however, when the study closed on Thursday night, the gap was already abysmal. If the 9.4% that he prefers not to answer is discounted, four out of five respondents precipitated his fall. a crywhat is said

“After the kiss of Luis Rubiales to Jenni Beautifuldo you think that the president of the Football Federation should resign?”, he asked, about a sample of almost 2,000 people. And the majority clearly opted against him, without distinction of sex, age or political party, although there are interesting nuances.

The study reveals a greater rejection of Rubiales among men (74.8%) than among women (67.6%), but it is rather due to the fact that the option “I don’t know/I prefer not to answer” (the 12.8%, double that between them). The result is almost identical when it comes to supporting its continuity, minimal in both cases (19.2% of men, 19.7% of women).

Age also offers an interesting detail: despite the fact that feminist awareness is greater among the youngest, the rejection of Rubiales grows with age, revealing that the kiss is repugnant not only because of a gender issue, but from any perspective, even more so. when a burst of celebration was added holding his testicles, subsequent offensive statements, a strategy full of lies and pressure… The request for resignation among those over 65 (75.1%) is four points higher than any other section old.

The differences appear more intensely when they are approached from the ideological affiliation. Among Vox voters, a party that denies the denomination of gender violence, although it orders the resignation, condescension is high. Up to 34.9% bet on its continuity, compared to 55.2% that demanded its abandonment. At the other extreme, 90.1% of supporters of Sumar demanded his resignation, compared to 5.3% who gave him a margin. Also divergent were the speeches of Santiago Abascal y Yolanda Diaz this week. The same Thursday, before the virtual resignation of Rubiales, the Vox leader referred to the case as “rudeness”, among attacks on the Government for the ‘yes is yes’, while from Sumar they have been a vanguard demanding urgent measures against “impunity” and “sexism”.

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