Dr. Enrique Crespo, on the state of El Cordobés: "He has had a bad night but he has a wonderful face and this afternoon or tomorrow he could travel to Seville"

by archynewsy
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Dr. Enrique Crespo has paid a visit to Manuel Díaz El Cordobés, injured this Saturday in Huesca, at the hospital, and has declared to this newspaper that “he had a bad night but he has a wonderful countenance.”

The essential thing, the doctor points out, is that the “grip wound has not bled from the drains” and as regards the fracture of the hand, he has indicated that “the important thing is that the skin does not become necrotic. I am very optimistic I have already told him to see if he will reappear on the 1st in Alcalá de Henares” .

“I was surprised because they had told us that he had had a very bad night and you see him there fresh and lively, talking. His brother Chema told me that either they take a plane tomorrow or this afternoon in the crew car, since he is lying down , they throw themselves to Seville now”, says Crespo.

Enrique Crespo, one of the most renowned bullfighting surgeons, also pointed out the night before that Manuel Díaz had been “lucky that there was a hand surgeon in the infirmary who has recomposed it as best as possible. It is a severe injury. As for to the goring in the Scarpa Triangle, it is a goring that people call clean, extensive but without muscle injury”.

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