2024-01-22 00:21:00

Looking back on 2023

The overall economy has recovered and improved, and various undertakings have achieved new progress and new results.

2023 is the first year for comprehensively implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and the year for economic recovery and development after three years of COVID-19 prevention and control. In the past year, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, under the direct leadership of the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, and with the supervision and support of the Municipal People’s Congress and its Standing Committee, we adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, Comprehensively implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech to Beijing, conscientiously implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee, strengthen the functional construction of the “four centers”, and improve the level of the “four services” , deepening the “Five Sons” linkage services and integrating into the new development pattern, coordinating development and security, focusing on improving confidence, strengthening innovation, optimizing functions, promoting coordination, grasping governance, and benefiting people’s livelihood, withstood various tests, and the overall economy has rebounded for the better. The overall social situation remains stable, various undertakings have achieved new progress and new results, and the goals and tasks set by the first session of the 16th Municipal People’s Congress have been successfully completed.

 1 Deeply implement the strategic positioning of the capital city, and the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei continues to be deepened and solid

We will further optimize and enhance the functions of the capital, accelerate the construction of the capital planning system, implement a new three-year action plan for core area control and regulation, and fully protect the central government functions.

We have solidly promoted the construction of an international exchange center, increased the number of international organizations registered in Beijing to 115, and successfully completed the service guarantee tasks of the third “Belt and Road” International Cooperation Summit Forum.

We carried out in-depth special actions to decongest and rectify and promote upgrading, demolished 23.15 million square meters of illegal construction, vacated 2,282 hectares of land, refined 1,730 back streets and alleys, and completed the renovation of 183 old communities.

Vigorously promote the high-quality development of the city’s sub-center, the second batch of municipal offices were relocated, and the Beijing Art Center, City Library, and Grand Canal Museum were completed and put into use.

Accelerate the construction of a closer coordinated development pattern in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. The entire Beijing-Xiongan Expressway is open to traffic, and the Tianjin-Xingzhou intercity railway is in operation. The Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park in Xiongan New Area is put into operation. Beijing exports technology contracts to Tianjin and Hebei with a turnover of 74.87 billion yuan, an increase of 74.87 billion yuan. 1.1 times.

2. Focus on giving full play to the leading role of scientific and technological innovation, and further enhance the endogenous driving force for high-quality economic development.

Accelerate the construction of an international science and technology innovation center, implement basic research leading actions and key core technology tackling actions, and promote high-quality operation of national laboratories in Beijing.

The construction of “three cities and one district” has been promoted at a high level. The technology income of enterprises above designated size in Zhongguancun has increased by more than 30%. Huairou Science City has accelerated the construction of a comprehensive national science center, and 16 scientific and technological facilities platforms have entered scientific research status.

Consolidate and enhance the development advantages of high-precision industries, introduce more than 30 sub-industry support policies such as general artificial intelligence and humanoid robots, and make significant progress in the development of the entire integrated circuit industry chain.

Carefully build a benchmark city for the global digital economy, take the lead in building world-leading blockchain infrastructure, add 30,000 5G base stations, account for nearly half of the country’s large-scale generative artificial intelligence model products approved to be open to the public, and conduct high-level autonomous driving demonstrations The district has achieved contiguous operation of 160 square kilometers, and the country’s first data-based system pilot district has started construction. The added value of the digital economy accounts for 42.9% of the regional GDP.

Leveraging supply-side structural reforms to lead and create new demand, the “One Circle, One Policy” strategy has completed the quality improvement of 15 key business districts, with nearly 2.4 million square meters of newly opened large-scale commercial facilities.

Vigorously promote high-level opening up to the outside world, the 2.0 version of the work plan for expanding the opening up of the service industry was approved by the State Council, Beijing became the first batch of institutional opening pilots in the country, and the country’s first Zhongguancun Comprehensive Bonded Area featuring R&D and innovation was approved for establishment.

Actively create a business environment where enterprises feel more rewarding, complete the tasks of version 6.0 reform, formulate and implement the “Beijing Service” opinions and promote the development and growth of the private economy. The number of new enterprises in the city increased by 20.3%, and the total number exceeded 2.11 million, setting a record. new highs.

 3. Comprehensively strengthen the protection of historical and cultural cities, and the capital culture will continue to prosper and develop.

The application of the central axis as a heritage site has driven the overall protection of the old city, and 48 key tasks including the vacating of the entire courtyard of Qingcheng Palace have been fully completed. 15 heritage sites such as the Sheji Altar have been revitalized, and the Beijing section of the “Road to Beijing for Examination” has been fully connected.

Vigorously promote the construction of three cultural belts, the first phase of the Grand Canal Source Heritage Park is open to the public, and the main line of the 445-kilometer “Gyeonggi Great Wall” national scenic route has been unveiled.

Cultural projects to benefit the people were carried out in depth, and a series of 17,000 cultural activities for the capital’s citizens were held, with more than 40,000 commercial performances; 11 new museums were registered and 27 “quasi-museums” were listed.

The construction of spiritual civilization in the capital has been continuously strengthened. 11 literary and artistic works have won the national “Five One Project” awards, ranking first in the country in terms of quantity for three consecutive years. The creation of civilized urban areas has been deepened, and 4.61 million volunteers are running in the streets and alleys.

 4. Increase the protection of people’s livelihood services and steadily improve the quality of citizens’ lives.

Every effort was made to promote employment and strengthen employment assistance for key groups and regions. 281,000 new jobs were created in urban areas and 197,000 people in need were helped to find employment.

Efforts have been made to provide education that satisfies the people. More than 6,000 new kindergarten places have been added, the coverage rate of inclusive kindergartens has reached 93%, and 38,000 new primary and secondary school places have been added.

We will make every effort to protect people’s health, respond to multiple epidemic fluctuations and the epidemic peaks of respiratory infectious diseases in autumn and winter in a stable and orderly manner, build a unified appointment registration platform for the city, and implement mobile payment for medical insurance in 110 hospitals.

The elderly care service system has been improved, with 6,232 new elderly care beds of various types, 232 new rural neighborhood mutual assistance elderly care service points, 243 elderly care meal assistance points, and the installation of 822 elevators in old buildings.

Efforts were made to stabilize the real estate market, optimize and adjust housing purchase policies, build and raise 82,000 affordable rental housing units, and complete 93,000 affordable housing units of various types.

Continue to strengthen social security, adjust and improve social insurance, social assistance, child welfare and other treatment standards.

Comprehensive transportation management has been strengthened. The total mileage of rail transit operations has exceeded 1,200 kilometers, 50 bus lines have been opened to connect schools, the establishment of bus and rail stations has been coordinated, and the transfer ratio within 50 meters has increased to 86%.

We deepened the reform of handling complaints immediately, and the complaint resolution rate and mass satisfaction rate reached 95.5% and 96.1% respectively.

 5 Vigorously promote the construction of ecological civilization, and achieve new results in the implementation of the Green Beijing strategy

We continue to fight the battle to protect the blue sky and carry out special operations to control dust. The average annual concentration of fine particulate matter is 32 micrograms/cubic meter, which is the second-best level since monitoring records began.

Strengthening urban and rural water environment management, the groundwater level in plain areas has rebounded for eight consecutive years, and the sewage treatment rate has increased to 97.3%.

Accelerate the construction of large-scale green spaces and successfully create a national forest city with a forest coverage rate of 44.9%; a number of country parks such as Nanyuan Forest Wetland Park are open to the public, and the total number of parks in the city has reached 1,065.

Comprehensively promote rural revitalization, more than 2,800 villages have basically completed the construction of beautiful countryside, and completed the construction of 58,000 acres of high-standard farmland. Grain and vegetable production have increased for four consecutive years. The “100 Village Demonstration, Thousand Villages Revitalization” project has been launched, and the income of rural residents has grown rapidly. 2 percentage points for urban residents.

 6 Persisting in coordinating development and security, the capital’s security defense line continues to be strengthened

Comprehensively strengthen production safety work, promptly introduce “ten hard measures”, and further promote special rectification of safety hazards in areas such as gas, electric bicycles, and rural self-built houses.

Efforts were made to prevent and resolve financial risks, and the country’s first pilot program for early repayment of local government special bonds was completed. Positive results were achieved in risk prevention and resolution work such as supervising prepaid funds and combating illegal fund-raising.

We will solidly advance the construction of Safe Beijing, carry out an in-depth three-year campaign to address the source of complaints, and severely crack down on illegal crimes such as telecommunications and network fraud. Fully serve national defense and military construction.

7 We made every effort to respond to the “23·7” extremely heavy rainfall, and achieved major phased results in flood control and disaster relief.

Implement detailed preventive measures, conduct early research and judgment, and deploy early, decisively issue red rainstorm warnings in advance and initiate first-level flood control emergency response, take emergency measures such as “shut down, stop, seal, and evacuate” in advance, and evacuate and relocate 542,000 people from construction sites and dangerous areas the masses.

We went all out to rescue and rescue three foreign trapped trains, and all 2,831 stranded passengers and crew members escaped safely. We worked day and night to open up life channels in the disaster area, and made every effort to search and rescue the missing and trapped people. We rescued 256 people at the first time. There are 507 villages without roads, 507 villages without water, 273 villages without power and 342 villages without communications.

Post-disaster recovery and reconstruction was quickly launched, 344,000 disaster-stricken people were properly resettled, 759 disaster-stricken schools all opened as scheduled, more than 10,000 damaged farmers’ houses were repaired, 167 damaged roads were repaired, and water, electricity and heat security were basically restored to pre-disaster levels. level; compile a planning system to improve disaster prevention and reduction capabilities, actively seek support from national debt funds, and work together to rebuild a beautiful homeland.

8. Carry out thematic education in a solid manner and continuously improve the efficiency of government services.

We firmly grasped the general requirements of “learning ideas, strengthening party spirit, emphasizing practice, and building new achievements”, coordinated and promoted inspection and rectification, and effectively solved a number of issues that the people longed for and development direction.

Comprehensively promote administration according to law, handle 692 proposals and suggestions from Municipal People’s Congress deputies, and handle 1,054 proposals from Municipal People’s Political Consultative Conference; promote legislation in fields such as scientific and technological innovation, rural revitalization, and foreign investment.

We will continue to improve our work style, reduce general expenditures and non-urgent and non-rigid expenditures by 2.39 billion yuan, and reduce “three official” expenditures by 5%. Integrity, integrity, truth-seeking and pragmatism have become the clear direction of government work.

Looking ahead to 2024

Strengthen confidence and face difficulties, strive to create a new situation for high-quality development of the capital

Overall requirements for government work in 2024

Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we will fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, conscientiously implement the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference, thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech to Beijing, and adhere to stability The general tone of the work is to seek progress, implement the new development concept completely, accurately and comprehensively, adhere to the development of the capital in the new era, deeply implement the strategies of humanistic Beijing, scientific and technological Beijing, and green Beijing, deeply implement the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development strategy, and adhere to the “Five Sons” Jointly serve and integrate into the new development pattern, strive to promote high-quality development, comprehensively deepen reform and opening up, effectively enhance economic vitality, prevent and resolve risks, improve social expectations, enhance people’s livelihood and well-being, maintain social stability, and promote comprehensive and strict party governance to in-depth development, Make capital contributions to promoting Chinese-style modernization.

  Focus on grasping the “Five More Pay Attention”

Pay more attention to serving the overall situation and taking the initiative, firmly grasp the biggest political issue of promoting Chinese-style modernization, vigorously strengthen the functional construction of the “four centers”, and improve the level of the “four services”

Pay more attention to making progress while maintaining stability, implementing systematic policies, putting stable growth in a more prominent position, and using active and effective policies and measures to boost market confidence

Pay more attention to promoting stability, improving quality and efficiency, using development methods to solve problems in progress, and strive to promote “iteration” in traditional fields, “seize the beachfront” for emerging business forms, and “take the lead” in future industries

Pay more attention to establishing before breaking, reform and innovation, rely on reform as the key to solve problems, and rely on innovation as the first driving force to open up the situation

Pay more attention to bottom-line thinking, prevent risks, promote a dynamic balance between development and security, and complement each other

 Focus on doing a good job in eleven aspects

Continue to improve the functions of the capital and promote the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei to achieve new and greater progress

Deeply implement the city’s master plan. Strictly implement the system of requesting and reporting to the Party Central Committee for major planning matters in the capital, and continue to improve the capital’s land and space planning system. Consolidate and deepen the results of rectification of problems in regulated areas. Coordinate and promote the implementation of the three-year action plan for control and regulation in core areas to achieve results, optimize and improve the central government environment and the quality of urban development.

Strengthen the functional construction of international exchange centers. Achieve the completion of the second phase of the New National Exhibition Center, strengthen the service support capabilities of the Yanqi Lake International Convention and Olympic Center District, and promote the construction of the fourth embassy district. Actively integrate into and proactively serve the joint construction of the “Belt and Road”. Give better play to the role of national-level open platforms such as the China International Fair for Trade in Services, Zhongguancun Forum, Beijing Cultural Forum, and Financial Street Forum.

Carry out dispersion and rectification to promote the improvement of “combination boxing”. Actively serve and ensure the transfer of landmark projects of central units to external agencies, and complete the relocation of the second batch of municipal agencies. Achieve a further reduction of urban and rural construction land by 6.5 square kilometers. Accelerate the construction of Capital Medical University and other projects. We will solidly advance special tasks such as the improvement of the environment along the railway line and the urban-rural fringe area, and meticulously manage 1,650 back streets and alleys.

Accelerate the construction of “new two wings”. Implement a new round of strategic cooperation agreement between Beijing and Xiongan. Accelerate the pace of high-quality development of the city’s sub-center, continue to maintain investment intensity of RMB 100 billion, start the construction of the East Sixth Ring Road High Line Park, and achieve the basic completion of the main project of the comprehensive transportation hub of the sub-center station.

Deepen collaborative innovation and industrial collaboration. Actively promote the construction of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei National Technology Innovation Center. Accelerate the “six chains and five clusters” industrial layout, and carry out “one chain, one policy” to extend the industrial chain and coordinate supporting facilities. Efforts will be made to build the Beijing-Hebei Caofeidian coordinated development demonstration zone and the Beijing-Zhangjiakou sports and cultural tourism belt. We will do a good job in the construction of cooperative parks such as Tianjin Binhai-Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park.

Strengthen the co-construction and sharing of public services. Consolidate and improve the “Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei on Track”, build the first phase of the intercity railway connection line, and realize the high-speed opening of the new line of National Highway 109. Implement ecological protection and restoration projects such as the northern sand control belt. Deepen cooperation in public services such as education, medical care, and elderly care, and jointly create a first-class regional business environment.

 Concentrate efforts to build an international science and technology innovation center and further strengthen the development of new momentum and new advantages

Deeply promote education reform and development. Add 20,000 new primary and secondary school places. Continue to deepen the “double reduction” work and improve school education and teaching capabilities. Promote the diversified development of high-quality features in ordinary high schools, optimize and adjust the layout of vocational education majors, and support the construction of “double first-class” universities in Beijing.

Accelerate the improvement of the efficiency of the innovation system. Continue to increase support for the development of basic sciences, ensure the on-orbit operation and systematic development of national laboratories in Beijing, and initiate the reorganization of Beijing’s key laboratories. We will carry out in-depth operations to tackle key core technologies and target the “stuck” issues in areas such as artificial intelligence and integrated circuits. Promote the innovative development of technology business incubators and vigorously introduce international technology organizations and foreign-funded R&D centers.

Accelerate the construction of world-leading science and technology parks. Strengthen the original innovation source function of Zhongguancun Science City, accelerate the cluster application of major scientific and technological infrastructure in Huairou Science City, enhance the technological innovation capabilities and institutional environment of the future Science City, and promote the innovative industrial cluster demonstration zone to undertake the implementation of more scientific and technological achievements.

Make every effort to create a high-level talent base. Implement a special talent introduction plan for strategic scientists. Support the joint construction of industry-university linkage platforms and vigorously cultivate urgently needed talents and compound talents in key industries such as integrated circuits. We will improve supporting policies such as talent settlement and housing, and make greater efforts to ensure that various science and technology enterprises introduce outstanding college graduates.

 Make the digital economy stronger, better and bigger, and better empower the high-quality development of the capital

Make overall plans to promote digital industrialization. Vigorously build a pioneering area for data infrastructure systems and promote the implementation of a number of major projects such as computing power centers, data training bases, and national blockchain hub nodes. Explore and improve data trading specifications and improve the operational capabilities of Beijing International Big Data Exchange. The 4.0 phase task of building a high-level autonomous driving demonstration zone was launched.

Strong support for industrial digitalization. Deeply implement the “New Intelligent Manufacturing 100” project and comprehensively carry out the digital transformation of manufacturing enterprises. Promote orderly competition and innovative development of the platform economy, and promote the in-depth popularization of advanced digital technologies to small and medium-sized enterprises. Improve the independent controllability of artificial intelligence’s underlying technology and basic base, and accelerate its application in government affairs, medical care, industry, life services and other fields.

Solidly promote the construction of smart cities. Expand the application of “one network for all services”, deepen the construction of “one network for unified management”, and enhance the capabilities of “one network for smart governance”. Accelerate the deployment of new network infrastructure such as “10 Gigabit Optical Network” and Internet of Vehicles. Strengthen “one number, one source, one standard” data governance. Comprehensive protection of data and network security.

 Comprehensively improve the construction level of the “two districts” and promote reform and opening up from a higher starting point

Steady expansion of institutional opening-up. Accelerate the implementation of a new round of national comprehensive demonstration zone construction plans for expanding opening up of the service industry, and further promote the upgrading of free trade pilot zones. Promote the high-quality development of the comprehensive bonded area, improve the system and mechanism of the Daxing International Airport Airport Economic Zone, and promote the transformation and upgrading of the Capital Airport Airport Economic Zone. Improve the “dual hub” function of aviation and speed up the resumption of international routes. Strengthen all-round cooperation between Beijing, Hong Kong and Beijing and Macao, and promote exchanges and cooperation between Beijing and Taiwan. Optimize foreign investment services. Actively promote domestic and foreign trade integration pilot projects and provide services to support enterprises in “going global”.

Create a “Beijing Service” brand for business environment. Implement the opinions on comprehensively optimizing the business environment and create a market-oriented, legal, convenient, and international first-class business environment. Formulate implementation specifications for administrative licensing matters in this city and improve the construction of the national market supervision digital pilot zone. Improve the efficiency of the three-level “service package” in urban neighborhoods and townships.

Deepen reforms in key areas and key links. We will deepen the reform of the approval system, remove hidden barriers, and promote the orderly flow and efficient allocation of production factors. Continuously improve and implement the “two unshakable” systems and mechanisms to comprehensively build a pro-Qing political and business relationship.

 Coordinate the expansion of domestic demand and deepen supply-side structural reforms to consolidate and enhance the positive economic recovery trend

Make great efforts to stimulate potential consumption. We will deepen the construction of international consumption center cities and solidly promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional business districts. Boost bulk consumption such as new energy vehicles and electronic products. Actively cultivate new consumption growth points such as “trendy products” of domestic products, and encourage time-honored enterprises to innovate their business models. Support the development of service consumption in food, fashion, exhibitions, performances, ice and snow, beauty and health, and provide a more convenient payment environment for overseas tourists.

Efforts will be made to expand effective investments. Deeply implement the “Three 100” city key projects, and use major projects to drive investment to “stabilize scale and optimize structure.” We will increase investment in new infrastructure and focus on the “three major projects” including the construction of affordable housing, the construction of “both leisure and emergency” public infrastructure, and the renovation of urban villages. Expand the scale of investment in strategic emerging industries and accelerate the construction of projects such as robotics industrial parks and biomedical standard factories.

Accelerate the development of new productive forces. Implement high-quality development actions for key manufacturing industry chains. Accelerate the advancement of major integrated circuit projects. Strengthen the research and development of original new drugs and high-end medical devices. Promote the high-quality development of the new energy automobile industry. Promote the optimization and upgrading of the entire ultra-high-definition video industry chain. Promote the development of strategic emerging industries such as new energy, new materials, commercial aerospace, and low-altitude economy. Optimize the echelon cultivation system for specialized, specialized and new enterprises.

Effectively improve the efficiency of fiscal and financial services. We will give better play to the role of proactive fiscal policies, coordinate and make good use of government investment funds, and support the implementation of key reform and development tasks. We will write five major articles on technology finance, green finance, inclusive finance, pension finance, and digital finance, and solidly promote the construction of the Zhongguancun Science and Technology Innovation Financial Reform Pilot Zone. Support the Beijing Stock Exchange in deepening reform and high-quality development.

Deeply promote the construction of national cultural centers and prosper capital culture

Extensively practice the core socialist values. Strengthen the construction of the Beijing Research Center for Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. Promote the planning and construction of anti-Japanese war themed areas and create ideological and political classrooms in red venues. We will do a good job in creating civilized urban areas across the country and deepen public civilized guidance such as “Operation CD-ROM” and “Civilized Tourism”.

Comprehensively strengthen the protection and inheritance of historical culture. Strengthen the protection, inheritance and utilization of the Grand Canal culture, carry out rescue and repair of the Great Wall itself and ancillary cultural relics in batches, carry out the renovation and upgrading project of the China Great Wall Museum, restore the important cultural landscape of the Yongding River, and consolidate and expand the “Three Mountains and Five Gardens” national cultural relics protection and utilization demonstration District creation results.

Strengthen the construction of “Performing City”. Efforts will be made to create cultural masterpieces and cultivate more new spaces for performing arts. Polish the cultural business card of “Watching Beijing in a Big Show” and promote the brand building of “Beijing Big Audiovisual”. Support the innovative development of traditional culture and promote more outstanding performing arts institutions and high-quality plays to “go global.”

Fully stimulate cultural innovation and creativity. Promote the reform and development of cultural enterprises and the upgrading of cultural industrial parks. A series of 16,000 cultural activities for the capital’s citizens were held to promote the construction of a “bookish capital” and a “museum city”. Organize cultural exchange activities such as Beijing International Design Week, International Film Festival, and International Music Festival well.

 Focus on strengthening refined urban governance and creating a more livable urban life

Deepen urban renewal actions. Comprehensive renovation of old residential areas has started 300 new units and completed 200 units. Installation of elevators in old buildings has started 1,000 new units and 600 units have been completed. We have promoted the return of bungalows in whole courtyards in the core area and completed the application-based return of 2,000 households. We have started the renovation of dilapidated and old buildings. 200,000 square meters, renovating and upgrading 40 old factories.

Strengthen comprehensive traffic management. Improve the safety of the rail transit backbone network and build the first phase of Metro Line 3 and other lines. Improve community bus microcirculation services and expand the pilot scope of public transportation to schools and hospitals. Orderly promote the improvement of connection functions and service optimization of “seven stations and two stations”, and strengthen traffic management around key areas such as schools, hospitals, scenic spots, and shopping malls. Promote the construction of parking buildings, add 15,000 parking spaces, and add 10,000 new paid shared parking spaces. Completed the upgrade and renovation of 600 old signal lights.

Improve the quality of urban service management. Strengthen the operation guarantee of “urban lifelines” such as water, electricity, and heating, and refine urban furniture such as guardrails, poles, and boxes. 1,200 domestic waste classification demonstration residential communities (villages) were created, and 100 property service demonstration projects that satisfied the masses were built. Continue to implement reforms immediately after complaints are received.

  Implement the “100 Villages Demonstration, Thousand Villages Revitalization” project with high quality and accelerate the pace of urban-rural integrated development

Cultivate new forms of rural industry. Promote the construction of 120,000 acres of high-standard farmland. Deepen the construction of agricultural Zhongguancun and create seed industry innovation demonstration zones in Pinggu, Tongzhou and Yanqing. Actively cultivate new rural business formats such as leisure and health care, outdoor sports, and e-commerce live broadcasts.

Create a new atmosphere of harmonious and beautiful countryside. Solidly promote the improvement of rural living environment. Strengthen the protection of traditional villages and local culture. Strengthen the construction of digital villages and deepen the integrated development of urban and rural education and medical security.

Expand new ways for farmers to increase their income and become rich. Steadily advance the reform of rural contracted land, homestead land and collective commercial construction land, and implement the reform of the collective forest rights system. Develop a new rural collective economy. Develop more jobs for rural labor.

Promote new progress in coordinated regional development. Coordinate and promote the construction and development of new cities in the south of the city and plains, strengthen high-quality transformation and development in western Beijing, and vigorously improve the level of infrastructure and public service supply in ecological conservation areas. We will continue to be at the forefront of the country in promoting collaboration and support between the East and the West.

 Effectively strengthen ecological and environmental protection and strive to build a beautiful China pioneer area

We will continue to fight hard in the battle against pollution. Deepen the “One Microgram” action, strengthen the comprehensive management of volatile organic compounds and nitrogen oxides, and improve the long-term mechanism for dust control. Deeply implement the Miyun Reservoir protection action, strengthen the comprehensive management of key river basins such as the Yongding River and Chaobai River, and carry out 10,000 kilometers of “pigging operations”. Strengthen soil pollution risk management and control.

Actively and steadily promote carbon peak and carbon neutrality. The proportion of renewable energy consumption increased by 0.5 percentage points. Accelerate the promotion of green buildings and focus on the green transformation of key industries. Advocate green, low-carbon, civilized and healthy consumption habits and lifestyles.

Comprehensively create an ecological space with beautiful mountains and clear waters. Deepen the construction of national forest cities across the region. Plan to promote the construction of a garden city, carry out landscaping and coloring actions, build 150 kilometers of urban greenways, connect all greenways around the Second Ring Road, and add 20 unbounded parks.

 Pay more attention to ensuring and improving people’s livelihood and continuously realize the people’s yearning for a better life

Promote high-quality and full employment. We will make every effort to stabilize and expand employment and create new urban jobs of no less than 260,000 people. We will do a solid job in employment of college graduates and other young people, promote the employment of 120,000 urban people with difficulty in finding employment, and promote the employment and insurance participation of 40,000 rural labor force.

Deepen the construction of a healthy Beijing. Establish nine compact urban medical groups to improve primary diagnosis and treatment capabilities and the quality of general practitioner training. All general hospitals at level 2 and above open pediatric outpatient clinics. Carry out mutual recognition of 180 inspection results and 300 inspection results. Accelerate the construction of an inclusive childcare system and add 10,000 inclusive childcare spaces.

Improve the elderly care service system. Promote the layout of regional elderly care service centers in streets, towns, and towns, and optimize and adjust the functions of community elderly care service stations. Provide universal care services for the elderly with severe disability and dementia. 2,000 new home care beds for the elderly will be built, 240 new rural neighborhood mutual aid elderly care service points, and 300 elderly care meal assistance points will be added.

Build a new model of real estate development. Support the demand for rigid and improved housing, focus on solving the housing problems of new citizens, young people, etc., build and raise 70,000 units of affordable rental housing, and complete 80,000 units of various types of affordable housing.

Weave a tight social security net. Promote the implementation of the personal pension system and promote the sustainable development of inclusive health insurance in Beijing. Provide regular assistance to low-income people. Build 50 new warm homes for disabled people.

Accelerate the construction of a comprehensive security and emergency response framework and make every effort to maintain the security and stability of the capital.

Comprehensively promote post-disaster recovery and reconstruction. We must promptly complete the reconstruction of the remaining damaged housing to ensure that flood prevention capabilities are restored to pre-disaster levels and improved before the flood season. Promote the construction of a flood control engineering system in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. Build the “three horizontal and three vertical” main channels in the western mountainous areas. Comprehensively restore agricultural production and rural industries such as homestays. Strengthen the construction of rural and town infrastructure such as energy, communications, sanitation, and emergency response.

Accelerate the construction of resilient cities. Strengthen the construction of meteorological and geological monitoring capabilities and improve the response to extreme conditions such as heavy rain, heavy snow, high and low temperatures. We will focus on risk prevention in key locations such as subways, and complete the renovation of 1,100 kilometers of old pipelines such as gas and heating. Formulate a special plan for resilient city construction to comprehensively improve the city’s intrinsic safety level.

Strictly adhere to the bottom line of production safety and fire safety. Strictly implement rectification and prevention measures for major accidents, carry out in-depth three-year actions to address the root causes of safety production and fire hazards, and deepen special rectification in key areas such as hot construction operations, urban gas, battery charging, tourist facilities, and storage warehouses.

Build a higher level of safe Beijing. Coordinate and promote the prevention and resolution of local debt risks, and continue to prevent and resolve risks in key enterprise groups and key areas. Deepen safety supervision of the entire food and drug chain. Adhere to and develop the “Maple Bridge Experience” in the new era.

  Strive to build a rule-of-law, innovative, clean and service-oriented government that satisfies the people

Further strengthen political construction. Deeply understand the decisive significance of the “two establishments”, strengthen the “four consciousnesses”, strengthen the “four self-confidences”, achieve “two safeguards”, and consolidate and expand the achievements of thematic education.

Further strengthen the rule of law. Accept the supervision of the Municipal People’s Congress and its Standing Committee in accordance with the law, and consciously accept the democratic supervision of the Municipal People’s Political Consultative Conference. We will carry out the third batch of demonstration and creation work for the establishment of a national rule-of-law government with high standards.

Further strengthen efficiency construction. Strictly implement the reform tasks of government system institutions. Earnestly implement the “four grassroots level” work system, actively listen to public opinions, relieve people’s hardships, and resolve people’s concerns. Highlight quantitative performance assessment, process management and result orientation, and improve the incentive and restraint mechanism with clear rewards and punishments.

Further strengthen the work style construction. We will deepen the comprehensive and strict governance of the party in the government system and further reduce the burden on the grassroots. The government will continue to live a tight life and continue to reduce general expenditures. (Text arrangement/Fan Junsheng Gaozhi Yangqi Song Jiayin)

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