One dead and six hospitalized for legionella in Cáceres

by archynewsy
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A man has died and six other people remain hospitalized, two of them in the ICU, for legionella in the city of caceresin whose ornamental and supply fountains the water is being tested to determine the origin of the presence of the bacteria.

Sources from the Extremadura Health Service (SES) have reported that, in addition to the deceased, aged 86there are five men and one woman who are admitted to the San Pedro de Alcántara Hospital.

It is six people are between 55 and 85 years oldand two of them, two 65-year-old men, remain in the intensive care unit (UCI).

SES sources have explained that the Cáceres Health Directorate and the General Directorate of Public Health work in coordination and have initiated the corresponding epidemiological investigation regarding this legionella infection.

“We are already working, not only on fountains that supply drinking water but also on those ornamental fountains” in the city, said its mayor, Rafael Mateos, who pointed out that the legionella has a low risk of contagion. It is very unlikely to get infected by drinking water since is transmitted through the airand that is how the SES transfers it to us”.

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