PP barons ask for reinforcements in Feijóo’s team after the fiasco at its premiere

by archynewsy
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Alberto Núñez Feijóo insists on attempting the investiture, despite the fact that yesterday’s vote in the Congress of Deputies showed that Pedro Sánchez is closer to achieving the majority of support. In Genoa they are aware that their options are few, but they want to explore them to avoid “the Arrimadas syndrome”. In other words, not take advantage of his victory at the polls to at least try.

The calculation of possibilities of the PP (“they 60%, we 40%)” and the socialist were fulfilled Francina Armengol he took over the Presidency of the Lower House, but not of course it hurts the popular less. Various leaders consulted by THE WORLD They agree that Alberto Núñez Feijóo’s options to be invested are reduced to a minimum, since the PSOE has saved a majority of 178 votes (two more than the absolute majority), by achieving the support of Junts at the last minute.

And not only that. The barons consulted believe that the president of the PP should now begin to outline changes to apply them after the hypothetical investiture of Pedro Sánchez. They ask him to expand or clarify the leadership of the party and to prepare for a “hard” oppositionbut in which he also distances himself more clearly -definitively- from Vox.

The territorial leaders consulted are clear that the key to Feijóo’s future success will be the definition of his relationship with Vox. In this sense, they point to the «via Juanma Moreno» as the most correct. Distancing yourself from them and giving them battle, as the Andalusian president pointed out in his last interview with this newspaper: “The only way to govern again is to grow in the center without looking at Vox.”

In Feijóo’s team they share it. “The PP is what is between Vox and the Sánchez block.” That is why yesterday they did not give a seat to those of Santiago Abascal at the Congress Table. «It is a story for our investiture. In the cost-benefit ratio it was better to get to the next screen with possibilities. And the only possibilities are those of a change of Junts or PNV, even if they are scarce, ”they explain in the Feijóo environment.

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