Senior Surgeon: Shen Yun guides the world to the future | Culture | Hope | Luis Ferre Performing Arts Center, San Juan

by archynewsy
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2024-01-22 11:03:36

On the evening of January 21, 2024, at the Luis Ferre Performing Arts Center in San Juan, Puerto Rico, senior surgeon Santiago Ulloa (left), clinic manager Oscar Sierra (middle) and clinic accountant Miriam Echeverría (right) watched the Shen Yun Tour The troupe’s fifth local performance. (Lin Nanyu/The Epoch Times)

[The Epoch Times, January 22, 2024](Epoch Times reporters Lin Nanyu and Indira Sarabia reported from San Juan, Puerto Rico) “I have always admired Eastern culture, especially Chinese culture. For us, watching Shen Yun is a dream.” Senior surgeon Santiago Ulloa said that Shen Yun is wonderful and thought-provoking. The spiritual message of the performance is to guide the world towards the future.

On the evening of January 21, 2024, at the Centro de Bellas Artes Luis AFerré in San Juan, Puerto Rico, senior surgeon Santiago Ulloa, clinic manager Oscar Sierra and clinic accountant Miriam Echeverría watched the Shen Yun Touring Art The group’s fifth local performance.

Santiago Ulloa is a colorectal surgeon who has been practicing medicine for more than 20 years. After watching Shen Yun as he wished, he expressed his love and admiration for the performance, as well as his inner shock.

Ulloa said, “We invited some friends and relatives to watch this performance. I think the performance is very educational and uses dance to show stories and traditional Chinese culture. It is wonderful and outstanding, and we are deeply intoxicated. in the visuals and content of the show.”

“She not only allows the audience to appreciate how Chinese traditional culture has developed over thousands of years from a cultural perspective, but also shows the current situation (human rights persecution) faced by the Chinese. Therefore, for me and my relatives and friends, watching Shen Yun is It was a breathtaking, extremely happy and beautiful experience, and at the same time, we have a deep respect for this very long culture.”

He continued, “There are two things that particularly impressed me. First, the essence of this ancient culture has left an unforgettable mark through dance and music, and in this stage art way. . Secondly, in this world full of harm and oppression, she conveyed a spiritual message and brought hope to the world, hope that can guide you to a better future.”

Clinic manager Sierra also praised Lilian, “The coordination of dance, music and dynamic background is masterful, and it is admirable that all these scenes are presented so perfectly.”

“I was very much looking forward to her before watching the show because I heard from advertisements about Shen Yun’s grand tours across the United States and other countries. So as soon as I found out that Shen Yun would be coming to Puerto Rico, I immediately asked my friends to watch it together. We really I like it very much,” he said.

Sierra praised the performance highly, “I really like the dance of the water sleeves. The dancer’s skills in moving and picking up the sleeves are beautiful; the dance of Huanghua is beautiful from beginning to end; and the erhu solo, how can the artist use two It’s incredible how these melodies can be played by just one string!”

Ulloa agrees with Sierra’s perception, “He (Sierra) is a musician. Therefore, his feelings about the performance are very convincing, and I also think the beauty of the melody is incredible.”

Sierra continued, “The live orchestra was truly amazing. The orchestra and conductor did an impeccable and flawless job. If anyone is wondering if it’s worth coming to see the show, I really encourage you to come and see it. It’s a show like no other in the world.” , very fascinating, very beautiful, and deeply enchanting from beginning to end.”

Sierra’s wife, Miriam, added, “In a world that is so diverse, everyone has their own opinions, even spiritual beliefs, but this show can unite us because of what she shows. The only theme was human nature – who we should be, not who we could be. The last show was about God’s mercy and showed what kindness is, and it was truly unforgettable.”

“The artists really did a great job!” said Miriam. “In addition to being visually pleasing art, the show leaves the audience reflecting on: ‘How am I being myself in the circumstances I’m in? How should I be? Whatever you do, the world is not just for me, it belongs to all of us.’ So this is the ultimate show (that allows people to understand their mission in life).”

Editor in charge: Liu Zhen

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