The owner of Glovo fears paying up to 400 million in penalties for the self-employed model

by archynewsy
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Delivery Herothe German company that owns Globohas placed the payments claimed by the Government in a range of between 200 and 400 million euros in the framework of its investigation into the company’s labor model and its commitment to keeping the distributors as self-employed, despite the approval of the rider law.

Although the Spanish company has always defended that the legal text allows it to continue operating with freelancers, the Executive, with the Ministry of Labor y Yolanda Diaz As a visible face, he has redoubled the pressure on the company in recent times. In fact, at the beginning of the month, the acting Secretary of State for Employment, Joaquin Perez Reyhe assured in an interview in The country that the Government had already transferred a ultimatum to the company before going to criminal proceedings with the company’s executives.

In your financial report, Delivery Hero He plans to appeal any decision that is made or any request for regularization of employees, but acknowledges that it is likely that during this period of litigation the courts will require bank deposits until a decision is made.

The company also acknowledges that it may have to end up reclassifying its self-employed as employees and face a retrospective payment of social security, interest and fines, which would hinder the viability of the company, which lost 400 million euros in 2022.

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