The United States Army calls to find an F-35 fighter lost after the ejection of the pilot

by archynewsy
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The United States Army seeks a plane that disappeared last Sunday after the pilot eyectara. The impossibility of tracing it raises amazement and ridicule in equal parts in a country that wonders how a fighter that costs 80 million dollars.

Joint Base Charleston (JBC) has made a appeal on social networks to request information about the F-35 that disappeared while flying over South Carolina (in the southeast of the country).

“Based on the last known position”, the search focuses on the vicinity of two large lakes north of Charleston (eastern South Carolina), suggesting that it could have starry.

He F-35 Lightning II It is a highly coveted aircraft, especially in Ukraine, because its shape and characteristics prevent it from being detected by radar.

“We are still gathering information. The investigation is ongoing,” a spokesman for Joint Base Charleston told AFP. The pilot ejected for unknown reasons by parachute into a North Charleston neighborhood, leaving the plane flying in a “zombie state,” that is, with autopilot.

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