These habits and traditional Chinese medicine can improve serious or fatal gastroenteritis | What to eat with gastroenteritis | Gastroenteritis symptoms | Gastroenteritis medicines

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2024-01-22 11:44:14

When you discover symptoms of gastroenteritis, you should respond to treatment promptly. When the symptoms of gastroenteritis are severe, they may even be life-threatening. How to treat gastroenteritis? (Shutterstock)

Gastroenteritis is an extremely common disease that not only causes vomiting, diarrhea, pain and discomfort, but also affects eating and normal life. In severe cases, it can even be life-threatening. Studies estimate that there are approximately 180 million cases of acute gastroenteritis in the United States each year, approximately 470,000 people are hospitalized annually, and approximately 5,000 people die from acute gastroenteritis each year. Therefore, it is important to promptly treat symptoms of gastroenteritis when symptoms are discovered.

Gastroenteritis is inflammation of the stomach and intestines, usually caused by infection, food poisoning, bad bacteria, or viruses. Symptoms of gastroenteritis may vary depending on the cause and severity, but common symptoms include:

Abdominal pain or discomfort:Mild discomfort or severe pain, usually in the upper or middle abdomen.

Vomit:It may be accompanied by feelings of dizziness or nausea, and sometimes it may be because the body is trying to get rid of infection or harmful substances.

diarrhea:Most people with gastroenteritis experience diarrhea, which may be accompanied by abdominal bloating or frequent bowel movements.

fever:Some people may develop a low-grade or high-grade fever, depending on the severity of the infection.

Anorexia:Due to gastrointestinal discomfort, there may be a loss of appetite or a temporary reluctance to eat.

Feelings of weakness and tiredness:Gastroenteritis may also cause discomfort such as weakness, fatigue, or headaches.

Dehydration:After diarrhea and vomiting, the body may lose a large amount of water and electrolytes, causing dehydration symptoms, such as thirst, decreased urine output, dry mouth, and dry skin.

If gastroenteritis lasts for a long time, in addition to dehydration, it can also cause malnutrition, the spread of infection and other complications, such as gastric ulcers, gastric bleeding, infectious arthritis, etc.

Most of the time, gastroenteritis is a mild health problem that can be relieved with proper rest, fluids, and dietary changes. However, if symptoms are severe or prolonged, such as severe diarrhea, mucus in the stool, or blood in the stool, you should seek professional medical help immediately for appropriate treatment.

Gastroenteritis symptoms includeAbdominal pain or discomfort。(Shutterstock)

How to improve gastroenteritis?

Depending on your individual situation and what’s causing your gastroenteritis, methods to improve your gastroenteritis symptoms may vary. Here are some common methods that may help relieve gastroenteritis symptoms:

rest:Giving your body adequate rest is an important part of helping your body recover. Proper rest can help reduce the burden on the body and allow the body to have more energy to fight viruses or bacteria.

Proper diet:Diet is the key to restoring health. Choosing foods that are easy to digest can help reduce the burden on the gastrointestinal tract. For example, rice, noodles, apple cider vinegar, steamed vegetables, light soups, etc. At the same time, be careful to avoid irritating foods such as spicy foods, greasy foods, caffeine and sugary drinks.

Drink more water:It is very important to keep your body well hydrated, especially when you have diarrhea and vomiting. Increase your water intake to replenish the fluids your body has lost.

medical treatement:In some cases, your doctor may recommend medications to relieve symptoms, such as antidiarrheals, antibiotics (if it’s a bacterial infection), etc. Related drugs should be used under the guidance of a doctor.

Pay attention to hygiene:Strict attention to personal hygiene, frequent hand washing, and avoiding cross-infection are important to prevent the spread of viral or bacterial infections.

Gentle exercise:Carry out appropriate light exercise to help promote blood circulation, but avoid overly intense exercise to avoid increasing the burden on the body. Research points to strenuous exercise and dehydration as possible causes of gastrointestinal symptoms. Intestinal ischemia is a major cause of nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and (bloody) diarrhea. In addition, anaphylactic shock can occur during or shortly after exercise after ingestion of disease-causing food allergens, and eating the right amount of food and drinking enough water is crucial to preventing these conditions.

Avoid irritating substances:Avoid using items that may irritate the gastrointestinal tract, such as alcohol, tobacco, etc.

Porridge is the easiest food to digest. It can quickly replenish body fluids and promote nutrient absorption, helping to reduce gastrointestinal burden. (fotolia)

When treating acute gastroenteritis with traditional Chinese medicine, if the symptoms are mainly watery diarrhea, upper abdominal distention, cold sensitivity, headache, pale tongue with white coating, etc., Huoxiang Zhengqi Powder or Wuling Powder will be used to dispel cold and remove dampness. drug.

If the symptoms are mainly sticky and foul-smelling, anal burning, dry mouth, yellow urine, red tongue with thick coating and other heat-like symptoms, the treatment direction is to focus on heat-clearing and analgesic drugs, such as Gegen Qinlian Decoction.

After an acute gastroenteritis attack, although the symptoms have subsided, as long as you eat a little more or eat meat, you will experience abdominal bloating, soft and loose stools, and even diarrhea again. At this time, most people will recommend taking medicines that strengthen the spleen, regulate the intestines and strengthen the stomach. Perform conditioning, such as Shenling Atractylodes Powder, Xiangsha Liujunzi Decoction, etc., to return the gastrointestinal system to normal as soon as possible.

Studies have found that Chinese medicines such as Shenling Atractylodes Decoction can reduce diarrhea symptoms in mice, regulate intestinal flora, and maintain the integrity of intestinal villi.

Another study involved 83 patients with rotavirus gastroenteritis and animal models. Researchers observed the therapeutic effect of the traditional Chinese medicine prescription Qiwei Baizhu Powder. The results show that Qiwei Baizhu Powder can improve the absorption function of the small intestine, shorten the time for diarrhea and rotavirus feces excretion, and reduce the small intestinal lesions caused by rotavirus.

In this chaotic world, if you want to be healthy, look at Health 1+1!

Editors: Wu Michen, Li Fan

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