Alive, abandoned by Sánchez with "a veto without explanation" in the city that is "matter of state"

by archynewsy
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And Pedro Sánchez ordered a stop. When the option of a PP-PSOE pact was already in sight, in the distant -seen from Moncloa- Ceuta, Ferraz aborted the agreement. With consequences that are not minor, since they affect a border city, marked by the Moroccan neighbor, and where the political situation spilled over several times during the last legislature, putting coexistence at risk. “The situation in Ceuta is a matter of State,” he insists John Jesus Vivasthe president of the autonomous city, abandoned by Sánchez in a withering maneuver that Vivas breaks down in detail, revealing its scope, in the reconstruction that he outlined this Friday in different media.

President of Ceuta since 2001, his conclusion is clear: the national leadership of the PSOE “vetoed” any agreement with the PP, without providing any argument, he says. His goal of ensuring “stability” for four years was suddenly thwarted. Because he won the elections, but four seats from the majority. “In a city like ours, which is part of the national security strategy due to its unique risks and threats, it is essential that political forces demonstrate responsibility and a willingness to agree to guarantee stability and the government’s capacity to face challenges” , he argues.

Last week the PSOE “expressed its willingness to reach an agreement through a coalition government.” Although said alliance had not materialized, the negotiations did advance. “However, surprisingly and unjustifiably, we received the news that the national leadership of the PSOE was vetoing any agreement, without presenting any argument, which surprised me.”

The Ceuta PSOE issued a statement that put an end to the talks. In that note, he stated that “there is not and cannot be a government pact with the PP of feijóo», in clear reference to Sánchez’s strategy for his inauguration, where he intends to isolate the popular leader despite being the most voted on 23-J.

The political agreement seeks to restore tranquility in a city that experienced intense political and media pressure during the last legislature, when it witnessed that massive assault of immigrants (12.000 personas) with the acquiescence from Morocco. In parallel, the entry of Vox into the autonomous institution in 2019, with an even harsher discourse than in the rest of the country, shook the fragile harmony in the city, generating political conflicts with everyone, and with greater intensity against left-wing councilors. or Muslims. In this way, he pointed to half of the population, of the Muslim religion, who resides in this city in North Africa.

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