Avian Influenza Outbreak in Vietnam: First Reported Human Case of A(H9Nx) in the Country

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Avian Influenza Outbreak in Vietnam: First Reported Human Case of A(H9Nx) in the Country

Notification of avian influenza events in humans Vietnam from 6 April 2024 Data source: BlueDot in ASEAN Health Cluster 2Transcribed by: Office for International Cooperation, Department of Disease Control On April 6, 2024, the city of Tien Giang in southern Vietnam reported the first case of avian influenza A(H9Nx) (subspecies pending confirmation) in the country. […]

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Do you sleep on your stomach? Then you need to do this as soon as possible, it changes your life

A good night’s sleep is essential for a balanced and happy daytime life. But just one small…

The post Do you sleep on your stomach? Then you need to do this as soon as possible, it changes your life appeared first on Breaking Latest News.

The easiest, most complete and satisfying breakfast that you can prepare with only two ingredients

2024-04-07 10:01:39 If you are someone who usually eats a morning meal, choosing quality alternatives that…

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Study Shows Estrogen Increases Impact of Pleasure Response Proteins in Brain, Leading to Nicotine Addiction in Women

Estrogen, a female hormone, increases the effect of pleasure response proteins in the brain. Entered 2024.04.07 22:16 Entered 2024.04.07 22:16 Modified 2024.04.07 22:35 Views 1,308 A study found that women are more likely to become addicted to cigarettes than men. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]As the number of female smokers increases, the number of teenage women receiving treatment for … Read more

You can read the full story here: Study Shows Estrogen Increases Impact of Pleasure Response Proteins in Brain, Leading to Nicotine Addiction in Women .

“From one day to the next, I was no longer able to read or hold a conversation with my children”

2024-04-04 03:00:26 CLAIRE LE MOING Every Monday in Talence, on the outskirts of Bordeaux, around ten women discreetly pass through the gate of the Maison des Burnettes, surrounded by a wall of greenery. The former house of a wine estate was the refuge of the city’s inhabitants during the Second World War. The residence now … Read more

You can read the full story here: “From one day to the next, I was no longer able to read or hold a conversation with my children”.

The Healthiest Potatoes: What You Need to Know About Their Nutrient Content

Potatoes have long been a beloved vegetable, with their versatility and wide range of flavors. While some vegetables may be met with…

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British army scandal: recruits forced to have unprotected sex with Kenyan prostitutes ‘to show how brave they are’

#British #army #scandal #recruits #forced #unprotected #sex #Kenyan #prostitutes #show #brave Theme image — © Shutterstock Young British soldiers in Kenya are forced to take part in an initiation ceremony in which they have to have (often unprotected) sex with local prostitutes. The Daily Mail newspaper revealed that scandal on Sunday. “Heads means you can […]

The post British army scandal: recruits forced to have unprotected sex with Kenyan prostitutes ‘to show how brave they are’ appeared first on World Today Journal.

at least that’s what this study says

If you spend a lot of time in front of the computer, there is a possibility that this translates into a higher…

The post at least that’s what this study says appeared first on Daily Weby.

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