Busan Round Kick Victim Shares Experience and Advocacy in New Book

by archynewsycom archy
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◀ Again ▶ Remember the “Busan round kick” incident? This was a case of attempted rape and murder that caused great public outrage. Instead of hiding out of fear of the perpetrator, the victim in this case bravely spoke out. This time he publishes a book to help the second and third victims. Journalist Cho […]

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Political Rivals Schumer and McConnell Walk Away from Ukraine-Israel Aid Agreement

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“It’s like being born again.” The dramatic testimony of the captain of Chacarita, who was in a coma for a week after a traffic accident

Luciano Perdomo says he doesn’t even remember what caused the accident. He has no record in…

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Yahya Sinwar wants to die a martyr, according to former interrogator
– 2024-02-17 18:15:51

Yahya Sinwar, leader of Hamas in Gaza. Yahya Sinwarthe top leader of Hamas in Gazais a “very intelligent” man with “murderer’s eyes” who will not … Read more

You can read the full story here: Yahya Sinwar wants to die a martyr, according to former interrogator
– 2024-02-17 18:15:51

Security crisis in eastern DRC: Vital Kamerhe reiterates his support for Félix Tshisekedi’s fight for peace

Last updated Feb 17, 2024 While the security situation in the east of the DRC – Democratic Republic of Congo – is at the center of discussions opened this weekend, in Addis Ababa, the Ethiopian capital and headquarters of the African Union, Vital Kamerhe, leader of the UNC – Union for the Congolese Nation – … Read more

You can read the full story here: Security crisis in eastern DRC: Vital Kamerhe reiterates his support for Félix Tshisekedi’s fight for peace.

Police in Texas have shot and killed a gunman who opened fire at a large Houston church
– 2024-02-17 18:35:28

Two law enforcement officers, who were not on duty at the time, shot and killed a woman in Houston who opened fire last night at Lakewood Church, one of the…

The post Police in Texas have shot and killed a gunman who opened fire at a large Houston church
– 2024-02-17 18:35:28
appeared first on Worldys News.

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