Fermín Bohórquez will reappear alongside Morante in the great festival that closes the Maestranza season

by archynewsy
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The poster of the great festival that will close the Maestranza season next October 15, three days after the usual date when having Morante of Puebla committed on October 12 in the Corrida de la Hispanidad in Madrid.

The poster is headed by the rejoenador and rancher Fermin Bohorquez, who reappears for the occasion and has been one of the driving forces – along with Miguel Béz “Litri” – in the organization of this brooch presented by the Pagés company this Monday with Ramón Valencia at the helm. The purpose is the noble cause of raising funds for the social work of the Brotherhood of Rocío de Triana and the Alalá Foundation.

The organization has reviewed steers/bulls from different farms: Fermín Bohórquez, El Pilar, Garcigrande, Santiago Domecq y Alcurrucén. The festival will begin at 5:30 p.m. on the aforementioned date.

The complete combination is as follows: Fermín Bohórquez, José Antonio Morante de la Puebla, José María Manzanares, Alejandro Talavante, Pablo Aguado, Alfonso Cadaval y the bullfighter Mariscal Ruiz.

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