Iran tries to quell protests on anniversary of Mahsa Amini’s death

by archynewsy
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The Iranian authorities have been deploying their armed forces in several cities in the country for days and forcing dozens of businesses not to support strikes, in an attempt to contain any street protests. This Saturday marks the first anniversary of the death of Mahsa Name Believethe young woman who died in police custody after being arrested for not wearing the Islamic veil correctly.

The images of Amini in the hospital, with clear signs of having been beaten during her detention, unleashed a wave of protests that spread throughout the country. Thousands of women took to the streets to burn their veils or cut their hair in an act of protest to demand more freedoms and an end to the current political regime. The protest movementIt became a cry against the economic crisis and against the authority of Ayatollah Ali Khameneiwhich were supported in all cities of the country by different strata of society.

Armed troops from the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) stationed days ago at Amini’s family home, in her hometown of Saqez, where the young woman is buried. Authorities detained Amini’s uncle, according to Shiva Nazar Ahari, founding activist of the Reporters Committee for Rights. In the early hours of Saturday They also detained Mahsa Jina’s father, Amjad Amini, for questioning.although hours later he was released, according to Iranian radio Farda.

“Security forces arrested Amjad Amini today and then returned him to his home after pressuring him not to commemorate the anniversary of his daughter’s death“said the Kurdistan Human Rights Network, in the Aminis’ home province. The young woman’s family had planned to pay tribute to her in the cemetery, but it was not possible due to pressure from the authorities.

The police deployment has spread to other cities in an attempt to quell small protests against the supreme leader. In Tehran and other important cities in the northeast of the country such as Mashhad or Shiraz, in the south, dozens of people defied the authorities on Friday night and took to the streets chanting: Death to the dictator!” and “Woman, life, freedom!”the latter is the emblem of Mahsa Jina Amini’s cause, which created a wave of solidarity both within Iran and from millions of women in other countries.

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