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NASA paid special attention to women in space by publishing a long list of all brave women. Here is part of the text: “A bird cannot fly with only one wing. Human space flight could not be further developed without the active participation of women. – Valentina Tereshkova “If we want scientists and engineers in […]

The post WOMEN IN SPACE appeared first on News Directory 3.

The Unthinkable: Father of Fallen Marine Arrested at State of the Union Address

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The post The Unthinkable: Father of Fallen Marine Arrested at State of the Union Address appeared first on News Usa Today.

Family Tragedy: Mother Stabs Son to Death, Injures Daughter, Dies in Car Crash in Boekel

The fatal stabbing in a house on Dotterbloem in Boekel on Wednesday is a family tragedy. The police confirmed this on Friday afternoon. On Wednesday, a 12-year-old boy was stabbed to death in the house by his mother (42). The woman’s 10-year-old daughter was seriously injured. She is in danger, the police report. The mother … Read more

You can read the full story here: Family Tragedy: Mother Stabs Son to Death, Injures Daughter, Dies in Car Crash in Boekel .

Germany attributes the leak of confidential audios about Ukraine to a personal error |

Germany is trying to reduce the scope of the leak of confidential audio from its army about the war in Ukraine. The Government has wanted to present as an isolated episode the disclosure by Russia of conversations between senior German military commanders regarding the hypothetical shipment of Taurus missiles to Ukraine, which the German Chancellor, … Read more

You can read the full story here: Germany attributes the leak of confidential audios about Ukraine to a personal error |.

“Super Tuesday” in the USA, primaries are held in 15 states
– 2024-03-08 12:53:10

On today’s day, which is called “Super Tuesday” in the American political calendar, primary elections for the Democrats and Republicans are taking place in 15 states in the USA. Republicans…

The post “Super Tuesday” in the USA, primaries are held in 15 states
– 2024-03-08 12:53:10
appeared first on Worldys News.

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