Cassandra1.24-1.30 This week’s horoscope_life_life_life

by archynewsy
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2024-01-25 12:13:00

Original title: Cassandra 1.24-1.30 horoscope for this week

Original article: Cassandra Tyndall

Translation: @chaldeachaldean

[Aries]Translator: @help hates changing names

Compared with previous years, I am now more comfortable in my personal career field. You have paid a lot of tuition and fought a lot of battles, and these experiences have made you stronger. From a personal perspective, you may now pay more attention to your overall life direction and overall planning, and you feel like you are in control. You now know exactly what truly satisfies you in life. The task at hand is to make these things come true. What are you still hesitating about?

【Taurus】Translator: @来了bowl of dreams

Your career and life direction have entered a new trajectory that you will ride on for decades, and that’s about it this week. Now that you know this, take advantage of this week’s trends and think about what might bring more meaning and purpose to your life. Of course, you can leave a lasting mark on your career. But if it doesn’t have a positive effect on you mentally or otherwise, what’s the point?

[Gemini]Translator: @Just want a simple name

The world is right in front of you. Whether it’s adventure and travel, spirituality, or something more important in life, you can’t be more excited about these potential changes. How to achieve this? These ideas look great, but what about the money? There are realities that must be noted, as well as careful planning. What needs attention may also include the division of labor in the process of teaming up with others.

[Cancer]Translator: @山师夫1019

An important relationship in life suddenly seems less burdensome. The good news is, all the weirdness and tension you experienced will be gone. You develop a deeper understanding of your likes and dislikes in relationships in the present moment. Now you need to inject some joy into the relationship and repair whatever needs repairing with tender love and care or familiar touch.

[Leo]Translator: @一一师 don’t want to open a business

Whether single or coupled, the area that Leos will be most affected by now and in the next few years is interpersonal communication. This week’s full moon can ignite your confidence to deal with a sudden turn of events, and it will also remind you of who you are. You are known for your generosity, whether it is your heart, emotions, words, time or money, you are willing to give. Don’t get confused and forget this.


Pluto entering Aquarius has you feeling a bit confused. Although this happens on the opposite side of your chart, it still affects you. Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today. In other words, if you want to improve your health, start now. If you want to be better at your time management, start figuring out how to do it now. No matter how much trouble life brings you, only you can solve it!

[Libra]Translator: @粉红饭熟

The way you enjoy life and its small blessings has the potential to change profoundly now. Although you have certainly been subject to some limitations in this area in recent years, it is largely thanks to these limitations that you have gained a clearer understanding of your likes and dislikes. From the beginning of this week, you must be highly focused and not slack off at all. At the same time, please open your arms to all possibilities now that you would not have dared to think about three years ago.

【Scorpio】Translator: @Vinitovarina

If you can take the initiative to try and communicate more, your life will become better and better, and it will no longer be so stressful and depressing. This does not mean simply talking and chatting. But in the process of speaking, if you can use more words that make the other person feel comfortable, then others will also use the same way to communicate with you. It’s like that “if only everyone would give a little love” kind of thing. Let your guard down. Compliment others. Look past the shortcomings and see the good. Life would be so much better.

[Sagittarius]Translator: @help hates changing names

The stars are aligned in areas related to cash flow. As the first month of 2024 is about to pass and the second month is approaching, it is not too late to start thinking about this year’s annual goals. If you want to be in a different position by this time next year, every small action you take now can make the change happen. Restraint today for freedom tomorrow. You have to learn how to do this if necessary.

【Capricorn】Translator: @Chris3206

What a wonderful time! After heavy Pluto leaves Capricorn, Venus arrives. This is the first time in such a long time that you can look at life freely and simply, without the feeling that everything that happens and everyone’s arrival is some kind of test; this is the first time that you can really see it. See and feel the beauty of life. Record this wonderful moment with something special for yourself. The days ahead are great.

[Aquarius]Translator: @Just want a simple name

The long-awaited moment has arrived. No matter how much you resist, it will still come. In other words, this will make you have to start facing yourself honestly. You know very well that deep down, there are parts that need you to deal with, heal, and grow. What you are about to experience will not be easy. But you must know that the opposite of this journey is not easy, it is unparalleled and every step is worth it.

[Pisces]Translator: @元元大竹shoots

A long cycle of friendships and networking has ended, and you may be in a period of deep reflection. Those who can stay probably have withstood the test of life time. Among them, there may also be some people who have lost but do not want to lose. Although there are reasons to be grateful and regretful, the important thing is to be grateful for those who are willing to be friends with you. Life is short, love for your own people should be boldly shown.Return to Sohu to see more


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#Cassandra1.241.30 #weeks #horoscope_life_life_life

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