Kaito’s Fight to the Death: Defeat at SHOOT BOXING Tournament

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Kaito’s Fight to the Death: Defeat at SHOOT BOXING Tournament

KaitoPhoto by Sponichi The mixed martial arts show “SHOOT BOXING” held its opening tournament this year at Korakuen Hall on the 10th. “SB’s Absolute Ace” Kaito (TEAM FOD) lost to former ONE Muay Thai Featherweight Champion Petchmorakot Petchindee Academy (Thailand) in an overtime decision 0-2 after a desperate fight. Kaito challenged GLORY champion Tijani Bestati […]

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Farting, peeing, burping: Is my metabolism good? Four things show it

When the metabolism is working at full speed, this becomes noticeable in the form of smells, sounds…

The post Farting, peeing, burping: Is my metabolism good? Four things show it appeared first on Breaking Latest News.

Issues of introducing laboratory research data into the electronic healthcare system were discussed
– 2024-02-11 11:44:54

2024-02-11 11:44:54 During the meeting held to discuss the issues of introducing laboratory-instrumental research data into…

The post Issues of introducing laboratory research data into the electronic healthcare system were discussed
– 2024-02-11 11:44:54
appeared first on TIme News.

Minister of Health, Alexandru Rafila, Reports 15% Decrease in Flu Cases

The Minister of Health, Alexanfru Rafila, stated, on Sunday afternoon, that the number of flu cases decreased by 15 percent in the last week, stating … Read more

You can read the full story here: Minister of Health, Alexandru Rafila, Reports 15% Decrease in Flu Cases .

Actor Salah Tizani’s Recovery and Surprise Announcement: Exclusive Details Revealed by Actors Syndicate Head

2024-02-11 11:48:30 The head of the Actors Syndicate, Nima Badawi, confirmed that the artist Salah Tizani was released from the hospital on Saturday afternoon, revealing that he was preparing for a surprise after recovering from the health crisis, which required him to remain in the hospital for about 12 days.Badawi said that Tizani, known as … Read more

You can read the full story here: Actor Salah Tizani’s Recovery and Surprise Announcement: Exclusive Details Revealed by Actors Syndicate Head.

Scientists Race Against Time to Develop New Antifungal Drugs Amid Growing Threat of Drug-Resistant Infections

The increasing threat of fungal infections to human health has raised concerns worldwide, prompting urgent calls for new antifungal drugs. The World…

The post Scientists Race Against Time to Develop New Antifungal Drugs Amid Growing Threat of Drug-Resistant Infections appeared first on News Usa Today.

Find out more about legumes that help you lose weight!

#Find #legumes #lose #weight Chickpeas, a legume widely used in cuisines around the world, are more than just a tasty ingredient – ​​they’re a nutritional powerhouse. Surprisingly, chickpeas contain more protein than eggs, making them an excellent option for those looking to increase protein intake in their diets. Fonte: LumenSt/Shutterstock Chickpeas: a powerful source of […]

The post Find out more about legumes that help you lose weight! appeared first on World Today Journal.

Study: That’s why it’s so important to go for a walk every day

Today’s science also confirms this: There is nothing better for the mind than a walk in the countryside. A visit to the…

The post Study: That’s why it’s so important to go for a walk every day appeared first on Daily Weby.

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